Spring Writing Assignments

This term you are responsible for writing two 1,200-1,500 word papers and two 500-800 word papers as well as conducting a 10 question interview. You will have one long paper and one short paper due during each of the term's units. The short papers and the interview are connected to your contemporary counter culture presentation (CCC) which you will be working on all term.

Long Papers:
Paper #1: Literary analysis paper written on Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums.
Paper #2: 1950s and 2000s comparison paper.

Short Papers:
CCC Factual Paper: This is a factual paper written up describing the background research that you have done on your CCC topic.
CCC Analytical Paper: This is an analytical paper written up describing your thoughts (what you have learned, your take, etc.) about your CCC topic near the end of the term.

As part of your CCC project, you are responsible for conducting and transcribing a ten question interview with a person actively involved with your CCC topic. The interview-ee may not be a current Proctor staff, faculty, or student.